September 29 2014 – Melissa Frank
For several years prior to deciding to create Arden Hunters Guild, all of us founders had been progressively getting involved in shooting sports. Coming from different walks of life, we all arrived at a Clay Shooting Course in Maryland, which served as the initial launch pad for our involvement in other sports—Upland Hunting, Waterfowl Hunting, and Deer Hunting. Some of us had also been Fox Hunting and Basseting for years before creating Arden Hunters Guild.
The more we delved into each sport, the more we noticed how difficult it was to acquire the proper attire required to participate in them. There were two primary problems:
(1) for any beginner, in any of these sports, it is difficult to know what attire and gear is needed, why, and how to use it; and
(2) there is a lack of options since most retailers only have a limited number of items that they produce specifically for women.
Before Arden Hunters Guild, the solution to the first problem was to ask friends and family members questions or do copious research online for suggestions. The solution for the second problem was to either settle for what was available, buy clothing that was not designed for hunting and make it work, or buy men’s attire and gear and try to have it tailored to fit (which, more often than not, we never got around to doing). This made the usually enjoyable experience of shopping very frustrating.
We also looked around and noticed several other women were also getting into Sporting Clays and Hunting, and realized we weren’t the only ones who had the daunting task of finding attire and gear for our new-found passion. According to a National Geographic article entitled “More Women Give Hunting a Shot” by Kristen A. Schmitt (Published November 3, 2013), “although men still account for the majority of the 13.7 million U.S. hunters, the number of women actively hunting is on the rise…The total number of women hunters surged by 25 percent between 2006 and 2011, after holding steady for a decade, according to Census Bureau statistics. At last count, 11 percent of all U.S. hunters were women, compared to 9 percent in 2006.” That same article went on to say that “retailers have taken notice, too.” And it is true, the availability of products for women is growing. But the problem is that women’s attire and gear is a footnote in catalogs, a small section of a much larger store or still not as functional as we need it to be. Arden Hunters Guild aims to be a store for women, that not only takes care of the attire and gear but also introduces women to the lifestyle that comes with each sport.
All of this is the impetus behind starting Arden Hunters Guild. We want the same thing for other women as we want for ourselves: a catalog of quality products that gives women enough options to still maintain a sense of style, that is organized in a way that is informative and intuitive, and a company that not only sells products but embraces a lifestyle. We want to enjoy shopping for attire and gear. We want to learn. We want to be part of the lifestyle that comes with these sports. We want to interact with others that share the same interests. That is what Arden Hunters Guild is all about. Join us in this venture.
1 comment
I love the clothing tailored for women who hunt. It is about time!
Congrats on creating a robust site that caters to all levels.